Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fresh start.

Hey everyone! 

First of all.. I want to say sorry for not posting anything for over a year! A lot of things happened in the past year and I just did not have the time and dedication to work on a blog. 

I started my fashion course in September 2014 and I really had to get used to going to school again, I worked in a hair salon for around 6 months, visited my family in the Philippines for over 3 months and just wasted my time in the time between coming back and starting school again... But this time I actually want to reach people, share my creations and take you guys with me on my journey. 

My English teacher gave us an assignment, make a blog. Perfect! I already made this one and this is the perfect time to continue writing, learning and sharing my opinion and experiences with you guys! 

So here it is! My fresh start. I'll do my best to share at least one post a week with you guys and start making more posts when I have the time for it. 

Let's make the best out of it :D


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